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Almost all the boys and girls go to school every day. However when we areasked: What is the school in your heart I am sure the answer will be different.I would like to share with you my points of view afterwards.
Firstly I would point out that the school in my heart should not beexam-oriented. Exam-oriented education leads to heavy burden of homework andendless classes such as Olympic math. Students have to spend their valuable timeon them even though they do not like them. If I were the minister of educationdepartment I would reduce student’s pressure by giving them less homework andoffering them more time to relax. I would also give students the right to chooseschool courses according to their own interests besides a few fixed keycourses.
Secondly I would like to mention the school in my heart should be one fullof happiness. In this school we should feel strong love from our teachers andclassmates and at the same time we should extend our helping hand and love toothers when needed. We should also have more teamworks together either for ajoint project or for an enjoyable game. Smiling faces should appear everywherein this school.
Finally I would like to invite our joint efforts for the above-mentionedgoals hoping that it can bring some fresh air to the reality.