
时间:02-24 编辑:佚名 手机版

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Nick Jonas:

You can’t go, you can’t leave us, Jonas Brothers can’t keep going without you!!! Thinkin’ about your lots fans. We all love you so much, you can’t just left.

Diabetes is kind terrible, also diabetes might make people die, but you’re a strong boy, we all knows that!! You must alive!! Your fans loves you, Kevin and Joe loves you, your mom and dad loves you, see how many people loves you, answer is million people!! I know how you feel, diabetes made your life a lot change, it’s crazy!! You need use OmniPod, we all knows that! But we also know you’re strong.

Nick Jonas, you’re our Mr. President, don’t Mr. President need to stay with his fans? What’s you most thing we love, your big cute face; your amazing hair; your hot pose; your music…. Like in the ‘When you look me in the eyes’ , that’s a song for us, you sing ‘you’re the light make my darkness disappear’ that’s samething to us too!! We love with you guys, we want go to your every concert, with you guys everytime, we’re crazy cause you Jonas. Can’t find any word to say, just love you!!

First I see you guys, I feel like went to sky, cause Nick you were that cute and so hot; Joe you always that handsome one; Kevin you’re the oldest one, your music got me too! I guess that’s why people love you, even England’s queen! Of course I can’t forget your music, your music rock, but also some of them is sad, like ‘A little bit longer’ that’s best song I never heard, cause it’s all by your self, Nick Jonas.

Nick Jonas, my diabetic hero!!!











