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Asking for Sick Leave and Asking Someone to Pass on the Note to Someone Else
Monday morning
I"ve got a stomach-ache and can"t come to school this morning。 Could you apply for a three days" leave for me? Enclosed① is the doctor"s certificate ②。 Thanks。
Li Ming
①enclosed [in"kl+uzd] a.信中附有的
②certificate [s+"tifikit] n.证明(书)
一般情况下,便条是直接留给收件人或公开托人转交的,不需要装信封。但是,有时为了慎重起见或有数件材料怕散乱,就需要装信封。这时信封的写法如上所示:在收信人职务或姓名下面写c/o Mr。 /Miss /Comrade ×××。c/o是care of的英文缩写,意思是“托某某先生/小姐/同学/同志等转交某某人收。